The Investiture and the Awarding Ceremony - 2022 was conducted with gusto and zeal at the Academy. The chief guest of the ceremony was Dr. Archana Dwivedi (PCS) ADM (E). The ceremony started with the escorting of the chief guest and was followed with the prayer dance and offering of special prayers to Almighty Lord with the lighting of the lamp. The floral welcome was extended by the Manager, Rev. Fr. John Mendonsa and the welcome address was articulated by Ma'am Prabha Sharma.
Under the command of Sir Mohammad Shahd, the Students' Cabinet gave guard of honour to the chief guest and Rev, Sr. Mettil Rajila, the Principal. After the conferring of the sashes and badges to the selected members of the Students' Cabinet, the chief guest, Rev. Sr. Principal, Rev. Fr. Rose Benedict, the Oath was administered by Rev. Sr. Principal.
The cash prize and trophy were given to the top three position holders and the trophy was given to the cent- percent achievers too. The parents of the toppers and the Students' Cabinet were also given refreshments along with their wards after the singing of the national anthem.